Why does User-Experience Matter- Website Design and Development

February 08, 2018

It’s a universal truth that businesses want their customers to feel good about the products they offer. But what actually makes these customers feel good or bad is how well your website functions. User experience is about making your website both pleasing and user-friendly for the target audience. The first impression should be such that it makes your audience stay on your website by not turning them off. About 94% of the impression is depended on the design, and then comes the functionality ensuring it’s easy as possible for a user to navigate your site to find exactly what they need. The best website design and development company will always focus on these things before starting to develop a website for your business.

1. Users Are Impatient

The moment your audience visits your website, it is the first ten seconds that will hold your customer. Users generally make a decision to stay or leave a website within ten seconds which determines whether your page is “good or bad”. The goal should be developing a business website that don’t look messy but should be able to communicate your value to the user within ten seconds. If it doesn’t happen, you are likely to lose the customer.

2. Clear Direction

A good UX relies on users having clear directions towards the website’s goals. So what can be added in order to make your audience curious? The use of video and HD images can leave a long-lasting impact on your audience’s mind. Providing a section on website where additional information can be added in order to assist the users where they can learn more about their issues. The best UX comes from clear navigational elements where you users don’t have to search pages after pages for the product information. Our developers make the website by simplifying each menu display and make the value proposition of each page clear.

3. Dependency on the mobile device

With people spending more time on their mobile phones, their product search is depending through mobile. In the sense, an unforgettable mobile user experience can increase sales.

What are the benefits of having an interactive User Experience Design?

  • Client Approvals
  • Increased Adoption
  • Increased Engagements
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Accessibility is important for a good UX. Being the best website design and development company we make it easy-going so that your audience loves it.

To know more about web design and development services or to get your professional website developed, write to us at managers@infiCaretech.com. You can also connect with us on Skype (ID- infiCare5)